Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Remembering Sofie Through Her Memories

We would like everyone to write down their memories of Sofie so that we can compile them into a book for her family. Her parents have repeatedly said how important these memories are to them, as well as Sofie's siblings. They want their children, especially the younger ones, to know how beloved and special Sofie was to everyone around her.

Please take the time to write down those memories, and post them to this page. If you want to add on to someone else's story, just cite it, and I will connect them when putting the entire book together. If you would prefer to email them to me, please feel free to do that as well (sahewlett@dsdmail.net). We love you all, and thank you ahead of time for taking the time to do this!


Soster Neilson (Kayley) said...

I want to dedicate this email though to my friend Sofie Vasquez.

My heart hurts over the news of the passing of one of my good friends Sofie. I will miss that crazy hair and beaming smile. I just want to share my testimony with all of you that God does have a plan for us, all of us individually. I am grateful and find a lot of comfort in knowing where Sofie is. Sofie was one of the happiest most friendly people you will ever meet. She was an example of Christ like love and service. She was always laughing always smiling and it was hard not to smile and laugh with her. She is someone who I will strive to be more like. I am grateful for our Heavenly Father's plan of happiness. To know the purpose of our lives here on earth and why we are go through so much,I know that one day we will live with our Heavenly Father again in a state of never ending happiness. That everything that happens to us in this life is preparing us for that moment. I am grateful for the Saviors atoning sacrifice and the peace I can feel because of it. I know that Sofie is in a better place doing an important work. I will always cherish the time I got to spend with her on this earth and I look forward to seeing her again someday. I am grateful that I have this opportunity to serve a mission and to share God's Plan with His children.

Sofie's family and all of you are in my prayers. I am grateful for Sofie and the example she has been to so many people. I am grateful for her light and how it has touched my life and I know the lives of many others. She will always be in my heart.

I love you all so much! I hope you all have a great week!!

Søster Neilson

Anonymous said...

Some of my Favorite Sofie memories:

I remember, this year before the season started at one of the open gyms Sofie and some other girls were dancing. We were all talking about how it would be funny if one night we preformed a dance before one of our games or after, when we had those dance parties. I volunteered Sofie to be the choreographer for the dance and she was so happy and so up for it, I thought she was serious at first until we all laughed it off. Well, just to be funny, the next open gym I asked her if she had some of the dance already done and like Sof she was like "um yeah sure". She then gets up from putting her shoes on and does some interpretive dances and was totally making it up as she went. It was so funny. I think if she would have kept going us girls would have peed our pants.

Another great memory of Sof, was how bad she wanted to shoot a three in a game. Before practice and after I would see her around the three point line shooting three pointers and when one went in she would prance around all smiley and happy. In cedar city this year, I asked my dad if we got up by 25 or more, can sof shoot a three. Well it happened. We got up by more than 30 or so and my dad called a timeout and drew up a play for Sofie, so she could shoot a three. We did it twice, neither one went in, but her dad told me it made her whole night. I was really glad I got to share that with her.

I have many more memories of Sofie, but I think ill just stick with three so it isn't too long.
This last memory also happened at Cedar cIty. In-between games some of the girls went to dinner together as like a team dinner. We went to Wingers, and all the girls ate something that would fill them up just enough so it wouldn't upset their stomaches before the next game. We had like chicken tenders, soup and pasta, then there is Sofie who ordered pie and fries for dinner. We all teased her saying that wasn't a real dinner, but she didnt care, she just said that we were jealous, and yes we all were jealous that she was having pie for dinner. Well while she was eating her ice cream type pie, I told her she should dip one of her fries in it and eat it. You know, like when you dip your fries in your shake and stuff. Oh my gosh, she thought that doing that was so disgusting and not normal. Us girls all learned that night that Sofie Vasquez does not like mixing foods.

I love you Sofie and Im gonna miss you so much. Thank you for all the smiles and laughs this year! #smileforsof #35

Sorry if I didnt have good english or mispelled some words!
- Syd:)

McKinlay said...

So it's really quite hard to choose "favorite" memories I have with Sofie because seriously ALL my memories I have with Sofie are pretty fab. But here are a few specific ones that I love and make me smile and laugh to think of them :)

During basketball practices, almost every day we would do "post-guard breakdown" where the posts and guards split up and get individual training for the specific skills needed for that position. During this, Sofie and I would often try to line up together so we would be together during the drills (to talk in line if we're honest even though we weren't supposed to and sometimes got in trouble...) and any time we needed partners Sofie and I would try to be together. There was one day that Sarah was demonstrating how to do a drill and right at the same time Sofie and I turned to each other and I said, "Are Sarah's pants on backwards?" and she responded, "Oh my gosh YES that's what I was thinking but I just wasn't for sure!!" Then both of us just started busting up (trying to be quiet of course since we didn't want to get in trouble) and trying to figure out if and how we should tell her and continued to pass the news along to all the other posts. Any time we would look at each other we would just start laughing again super hard. Finally, we saw Sarah walking into the coaches room and that's when we totally lost it and started laughing LOUD and so so hard. I don't even know if it was that funny but once you started laughing with Sofie it was REALLY hard to stop!!!

Another time at practice, the coaches said we were going to do this specific trapping drill that Sofie and I both HATED so so badly. We had talked about how much we hated it and how we thought it was so stupid and there were so many things that made the drill SO unrealistic. So they told everyone to split up on two courts and do it. So Sofie and I looked at each other with a sly look (we knew we were thinking the same thing) and quickly ran over together with a bunch of younger girls to do the drill. The younger girls hadn't done this drill before (they were the JV team) so it was a lot slower and frankly WAY easier and Sofie and I were in HEAVEN!!! Hahahaha afterwards we were laughing so hard because the drill had been so easy and low stress when normally it just boiled our blood and stressed us out to the max!! We could tell that it had put almost everyone else in a bad mood (lets be honest everyone hated that drill) but we were as happy as could be because we didn't have to suffer haha!! So we decided right then and there that if we ever did the drill with everyone again we would try and be with the younger girls because then the horrid drill wasn't actually too bad. It never happened again, but we sure enjoyed that time that we slid under the radar hehe :)

McKinlay said...

Sofie and I found out that we both had and IMMENSE love for Hannah Montana :) Yes, you heard it right. We both LOVE her and had watched every single episode (and would discuss specific things from all the episodes and laugh remembering the certain parts) and had almost every song memorized because we seriously just loved it so much!! So one of us would often start playing it and the other one would quickly join in dancing and singing to the song. One time, Hannah Snell said something about how she never watched Hannah Montana and didn't know any of the songs. Sofie and I were both appalled at what we heard! We also thought it especially ironic that HANNAH Snell never watched HANNAH Montana because COME ON you had the same name!!! So we both tried to educate Hannah about the songs because everyone is better off knowing about the great Hannah Montana haha ;)

I love Sofie. I loved her entire personality and how she carried the light of Christ so immensely with her all the time. I love the sass she could pull out and how much she could joke and tease you but how "mad" (it was always hilarious when she was "mad" because she never was and it was SO not convincing) she would get when you would tease her!! She was truly a wonderful person and made the world a better place and I KNOW without a doubt that she will make heaven a better place. I know she must have some extra special work there to do and that she will rock at it just liked she rocked at everything else she did. I am so grateful for Sofie and the influence for good she had on my life. Never have I laughed and smiled and LAUGHED with anyone as I have with her. LOVE YOU Sofie dear!!!!

Love, McKinlay Otterson

McKinlay said...

sorry I had to leave two comments because it was too long to publish as one...